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School Office

Wraparound Care

At Coddington C of E Primary and Nursery school, we offer breakfast and afterschool club to all ages.

Both need to be pre-booked and fees are charged per half term.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is open from 7.30am and children can be dropped off until 8.30am.
Children are able to have breakfast, with a choice of cereals, tea cakes, toast, pancakes, yoghurts, breakfast bars and fruit.

Breakfast club is charged at £3.00 per session. Price increase from September 2024 to £4.00 per session.

For further information or to book your child a place, please email the school office at


Afterschool Club

Afterschool club is open until 5.45pm. Children have access to both indoor and outdoor areas as well as quiet areas if they wish to read.
Children are welcome to bring a snack with them to eat whilst afterschool club registration is being taken.

Afterschool club is charged at £7.00 per session and £6.50 per sibling per session.

For further information or to book your child a place, please email afterschool club directly at

Afterschool Club are contactable via telephone between the hours of 3pm - 5.45pm on 0774 8208 041